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Maximizing Performance through Visual Feedback and Motor Learning Principles

Maximizing Performance through Visual Feedback and Motor Learning Principles

Regular price $145.00 CAD
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CE Hours

Visual Feedback and Motor Learning Principles will be applied specifically to the cervical region, shoulder complex, lower extremity, and lumbo-pelvic region. 

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This is a 5-part series. Each module includes combine lecture/slides and video examples when discussing treatment. Module 1 will cover general principles of motor learning, external focus, current research, and patient motivation, while each consecutive module will cover a target treatment area (cervical spine, shoulder, lumbopelvic, and lower extremity).

What You Will Learn

Visual Feedback and Motor Learning Principles will be applied specifically to

  • Cervical Regional
  • Shoulder Complex
  • Lower Extremity
  • Lumbo-Pelvic Region


Below are some examples of learning objectives from each module:

  1. Define the differences between External and Internal Focus of attention and give two (2) examples of each type
  2. Define the differences between Dorsal and Ventral Streams of Vision and their roles in information during motor learning
  3. Define the components of the OPTIMAL Theory of Motor Learning and give examples of each.
  4. Describe the differences between Explicit, Implicit, and Augmented Feedback and how to apply each to Motor Learning
  5. Demonstrate evaluation of Cervical Spine Joint Position Sense Error in sitting
  6. Demonstrate evaluation of Shoulder Joint Position Sense Error in Standing
  7. Demonstrate a treatment consisting of complex motions for a patient who presents with cerebellar ataxia
  8. Discuss 3 risk factors associated with ACL deficiencies and reconstructions
  9. Understand Joint Position Sense errors for the low back pain patient

Who This Course Is For

Individuals who are involved in rehabilitation, coaching, skill development, and athletics should be comfortable with these module topics and find value in applying the information.

  • Chiropractors
  • Athletic Therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Kinesiologists
  • Strength & Conditioning Coaches


Download Your Notes

  • NOTE PACKET: Maximizing Clinical Outcomes Through Vision Training and Motor Learning Principles

Chapter 1

  • Background Concepts: Maximizing Performance through Visual Feedback Training and Motor Learning Principles

Chapter 2

  • Cervical Region: Maximizing Performance through Visual Feedback Training and Motor Learning Principles

Chapter 3

  • Shoulder Region: Maximizing Performance through Visual Feedback Training and Motor Learning Principles

Chapter 4

  • Lower-Extremity Region: Maximizing Performance through Visual Feedback Training and Motor Learning Principles

Chapter 5

  • Lumbo-Pelvic Region: Maximizing Performance through Visual Feedback Training and Motor Learning Principles


Eric M. Dinkins


Eric is a the Co-owner of Motion Guidance LLC, Instructor and content creator of the Motion Guidance Current Concepts in Movement Based Rehabilitation .His other clinical interests include: Mobilization with Movement, utilizing the Motion Guidance system to improve learning and outcomes in rehabilitation, and treatment options for Restless Legs Syndrome. He is a published author and was a key-note speaker at the International Mulligan Conference in 2009.