2SLGBTQ+ Safety Matters, for Healthcare Providers
2SLGBTQ+ Safety Matters, for Healthcare Providers
As healthcare providers, ensuring that all patients receive quality care is paramount. However, past negative experiences and systemic challenges often deter 2SLGBTQI+ individuals from seeking healthcare. This course addresses these issues head-on, helping healthcare providers create a more inclusive practice.
As healthcare providers, ensuring that all patients receive quality care is paramount. However, past negative experiences and systemic challenges often deter 2SLGBTQI+ individuals from seeking healthcare. This course addresses these issues head-on.
What You Will Learn
LGBT foundations
- Overview of gender, sex, sexuality – get some clarity, ensure everyone is on the same page
- Labels, language, and terminology
- Why it’s important to increase your understanding and awareness
- LGBTQ+ needs within a healthcare setting
Trans awareness
- Gender affirmation – social and medical
- Variations of gender diverse experiences
- What to look out for
- Pronoun and name changes
Putting it into practice – health & mental health practitioners
- The importance of creating safe spaces – mental health, risk factors, safety, access to services, and the assumption that services are not safe
- Practical ways you can create a safe and welcoming space
- Interpersonal interactions – creating safety, confidence and comfort
- Deepen your understanding of sexuality and gender identity, familiarize yourself with relevant labels and terminology, and grasp the importance of empathetic awareness towards this community.
- Gain insights on fostering respectful relationships that cultivate trust, and learn practical steps to establish a safe, inclusive environment where all patients feel welcome.
- Receive essential guidance on recognizing and addressing risks and other concerns specific to the 2SLGBTQI+ community, empowering you to provide comprehensive and effective care.
- Together, let's transform healthcare into a space that embraces diversity, fosters respect, and ensures accessible, affirming care for everyone.
Who This Course Is For
Healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their comprehension of 2SLGBTQI+ experiences. By participating, you'll be equipped to create a welcoming, inclusive environment where individuals from this community feel respected and supported in accessing top-quality care.
- Introduction - Safety Matters
- Glossary of Labels & Terminology - Indigo Journey
Module 1 - Foundations
- Part 1 - Understanding Sexuality and Gender
- Part 2 - Language, Labels & Terminology
- Part 3 - Why Your Awareness and Understanding is Important
- Part 4 - There is Hope
- Module 1 - Quiz
Module 2 - Transgender Awareness
- 2SLGBTQ+ Inclusive Care - Points to consider for Healthcare Professionals
- Part 1 - Navigating Gender
- Part 2 - Affirmation Journeys
- Module 2 - Quiz
Module 3 - Taking Action
- Part 1 - Your Next Steps
- Part 2 - Interpersonally
- Module 3 - Quiz
2SLGBTQ+ Inclusive Care Checklist
- Checklist
Tracy Whitmore
Tracy, a Social Worker, Therapeutic Coach, and Founder of Indigo Journey is also the Author of ‘It’s About You Too: Reducing the Overwhelm for Parents of LGBTQ+ Kids’. With over 16 years of experience, Tracy has offered therapeutic counselling, coaching, and support to LGBTQ+ individuals and families across Australia, Canada, and the US.Internationally, Tracy conducts workshops, webinars, and courses, empowering professionals to enhance their confidence and competence in delivering inclusive services for 2SLGBTQI+ communities.Beyond her professional endeavours, Tracy finds solace in travel, beach strolls, forest explorations, pickleball, swimming, yoga, meditation, and reading. Family holds a special place in her heart, and she cherishes moments spent with her children, grandchildren, partner, and loved ones.