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2SLGBTQ+ Safety Matters, for Healthcare Providers

2SLGBTQ+ Safety Matters, for Healthcare Providers

Regular price $149.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $149.00 CAD
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CE Hours: 4

Healthcare providers creating a more inclusive practice.

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As healthcare providers, ensuring that all patients receive quality care is paramount. However, past negative experiences and systemic challenges often deter 2SLGBTQI+ individuals from seeking healthcare. This course addresses these issues head-on.

What You Will Learn

LGBT foundations

  • Overview of gender, sex, sexuality – get some clarity, ensure everyone is on the same page
  • Labels, language, and terminology 
  • Why it’s important to increase your understanding and awareness
  • LGBTQ+ needs within a healthcare setting

Trans awareness

  • Gender affirmation – social and medical
  • Variations of gender diverse experiences 
  • What to look out for
  • Pronoun and name changes

Putting it into practice – health & mental health practitioners

  • The importance of creating safe spaces – mental health, risk factors, safety, access to services, and the assumption that services are not safe
  • Practical ways you can create a safe and welcoming space
  • Interpersonal interactions – creating safety, confidence and comfort


  1. Deepen your understanding of sexuality and gender identity, familiarize yourself with relevant labels and terminology, and grasp the importance of empathetic awareness towards this community.
  2. Gain insights on fostering respectful relationships that cultivate trust, and learn practical steps to establish a safe, inclusive environment where all patients feel welcome.
  3. Receive essential guidance on recognizing and addressing risks and other concerns specific to the 2SLGBTQI+ community, empowering you to provide comprehensive and effective care.
  4. Together, let's transform healthcare into a space that embraces diversity, fosters respect, and ensures accessible, affirming care for everyone.

Who This Course Is For

Healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their comprehension of 2SLGBTQI+ experiences. By participating, you'll be equipped to create a welcoming, inclusive environment where individuals from this community feel respected and supported in accessing top-quality care.



  • Introduction - Safety Matters
  • Glossary of Labels & Terminology - Indigo Journey

Module 1 - Foundations

  • Part 1 - Understanding Sexuality and Gender
  • Part 2 - Language, Labels & Terminology
  • Part 3 - Why Your Awareness and Understanding is Important
  • Part 4 - There is Hope
  • Module 1 - Quiz

Module 2 - Transgender Awareness

  • 2SLGBTQ+ Inclusive Care - Points to consider for Healthcare Professionals
  • Part 1 - Navigating Gender
  • Part 2 - Affirmation Journeys
  • Module 2 - Quiz

Module 3 - Taking Action

  • Part 1 - Your Next Steps
  • Part 2 - Interpersonally
  • Module 3 - Quiz

2SLGBTQ+ Inclusive Care Checklist

  • Checklist


Tracy Whitmore

Social Worker (RSW), Therapeutic Health, Wellness & Life Coach

Tracy, a Social Worker, Therapeutic Coach, and Founder of Indigo Journey is also the Author of ‘It’s About You Too: Reducing the Overwhelm for Parents of LGBTQ+ Kids’. With over 16 years of experience, Tracy has offered therapeutic counselling, coaching, and support to LGBTQ+ individuals and families across Australia, Canada, and the US.Internationally, Tracy conducts workshops, webinars, and courses, empowering professionals to enhance their confidence and competence in delivering inclusive services for 2SLGBTQI+ communities.Beyond her professional endeavours, Tracy finds solace in travel, beach strolls, forest explorations, pickleball, swimming, yoga, meditation, and reading. Family holds a special place in her heart, and she cherishes moments spent with her children, grandchildren, partner, and loved ones.